Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we went to a community called Capricorn. Also very poverty stricken. 600 of these people were brought there after voting for a government person and promised homes and still are waiting after several years. They live in shacks. Most of them are unemployed. Many pregnant women.
The women came to our presentation (around 100). I had about 8 at my table. They all already knew the Lord. It was a nice time with them though. Our team sang for them and then there facilitators sang for us. They put us to shame! Beautiful voices! Beautiful and loving people. My heart just feels so much for them.

We just went for a walk down to the Fish Hoek Beach. The day is sunny but in the 60's. Always winding here. But at least the rain seems to have subsided.
Love to all.


  1. They may be poverty stricken but I have a stat mech test on monday and a classical test on tuesday and they're gonna be really hard so yea.

    This weekend is going to be fun, Lis' friends are coming and we're going to go to a hockey game and a movie and dinner and stuff. And then we're going to study.

    Hope you're having fun on your tropical vacation. I gotta go meet people, talk to you later.

  2. Kathy, sounds like you are having quite an experience. Thanks for your updates! We're thinking of you and praying for safe travels home.
