Monday, November 23, 2009

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

Back Home and Reflecting

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to express my gratitude for all of your prayer support and financial support. It was an amazing trip of a life time! I look much differently on life now. I really appreciate my bed, my shower, my husband, my kids, more than anything now. I am so grateful to have a roof over my head and family to love.
We left for Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. on November 7th. Our team consisted of Kelly McClelland, Deb Fausch, Cristina Broomfield, Carolyn Ciocan, Carolyn Johnston, Tish Edwards, Rose Stelkic, and Shari Hulcy and myself. And we brought along Tim Fausch & Jim McClelland. We had an incredible team. We arrived in Washington D.C. to get on a flight to Johannesburg, S. Africa, via African Airline (a huge mega bus). We stopped in Dakar to fuel up and on to Jo-Burg. We flew 18 hours through the night from D.C. In Johannesburg we changed to a smaller plane and into Cape Town where we were picked up by Ed from the Extreme Response Team. And now it is Sunday evening (the 8th)and then drove to Wellwood Lodge to go to bed.
Tues, Nov 10 - Devotions in the morning. Breakfast, Support Group Facilatator's Meeting at Living Hope Ministries. Pat Bell told us all about the amazing things that God has done and is doing for Living Hope. She is an amazing woman who came here and never left. She showed us around the facilities and hospital. Living Hope is changing lives of the hopeless. They use health-related and social programs, education and community development to do this. This amazing ministry is a part of Fish Hoek Baptist Church (more recently called King of King's). They seek to bring the hope and compassion of Jesus Christ to the chronically sick and dying in a holistic way and do everything possible to prevent the spread of HIV and AIDS. They do this through Prevention (support groups, life skills education, social workers and health counselors). The Woodside women's team ministered to the women who are a part of the support groups of Living Hope in the various townships.
After visiting Living Hope on Monday, we did some sight seeings and walking to get rid of jet lag. We went to Cape Point, the most southwestern point of the African continent. There were so many God sightings. The beauty, the weather...We saw baboons and their babies on the roadsides. We saw ostrich families, elands (antelope), the national flower-Protea, and a green bird.
We had lunch at the Salty Dog in Simon's Town and I had hake (fish).
Tues. Nov 10 - We did our support group in the morning with the support group facilitator at Living Hope. It was incredible. Then we walked to God's Little Lighthouse, a Christian daycare center for underprivileged children. Pam, the director, was a missionary in Botswana. She runs it with her daughter and 4 paid employees. Some days she has as many as 85 children. We brought the kids beanie babies and candies. Then had dinner in a restaurant on Fish Hoek Beach.
Wed. Nov 11 -
Today we went to a village of Masiphumelele for their Support Group. Very sad, poverty stricken. Living hope has a church, clinic, school and daycare there. We were in a one room cinderblock church and I had a table of 8 ladies. And they called themselves "the old lady club". It was amazing that God gave me this table because I have a passion for seniors. My table of women were from Zulu and they ate with their fingers. I gave them my lunch too.
Then we visited the daycare center where they go for outreach from volunteers. A very small building with a whole bunch of kids. And they sing with them & teach them about God and feed them.
Thurs, Nov 12 - We went to Woodstock Baptist Church to minister today. It is called New Beginnings Development Center, for underprivileged women by providing life skills, job skills and the opportunity to be employed. Claudia Crowster is the director of this ministry. Her husband Patrick is the Pastor of the Woodstock Baptist Church. I had a table of 5 young women. One of the women was a Muslim.
5 ladies accepted Christ today!:)
Friday, Nov 13- Today we went to Red Hill community. It was much different. Very poor. We ended up doing our ministry outdoors. We had 2 make shift tables and the man who is sort of in charge, didn't want women to run the show, so he read from his Cosa bible and Kelly just interjected things. Then we did the craft with them and served them lunch. Each day was very different. We had to be flexible.
Then we went to Simon's Town shopping in some boutiques and we went to the beach to see the penguins. They used to be called Jack Asses because they brey, but the Afrikans changed their names to the King Penguin.
A couple of the girls became sick with fever and a cough. Went to a craft store where the HIV people make jewelry and sell it for their cause. I bought a lot of stuff there.
Sat. Nov 14- We went to Capricorn Support Group. It was total chaos. Their was a guy playing the keyboard and kids running around everywhere. It just wasn't a very successful day.
Then we had free time in the afternoon and went down to Fish Hoek Beach. We saw surfers and a seal. Then we walked to dinner.
Sun, Nov 15- We went to church at King of King's Baptist Church. It was an excellent message. We stayed for tea and went to go for a drive to Table Mountain. It was too windy for the cable car to go up the mountain but it was an incredible drive.
Did some shopping and had a lovely dinner. Then we had to pack up everything to leave Monday and we had to get supplies ready for the last support group on Monday.
Mon. Nov 16- Woke up early to have breakfast and off to Oceanview Support Group. We knew that there would be a lot of Muslims there so we prepared ourselves with a lot of prayer. The day went fairly well. Hopefully we impacted them.
Afterwards we went to have lunch and then picked up our suitcases and headed to the Cape Town Airport. We flew out to Johannesburg and stayed at a hotel near the airport. Went to bed to be ready for the Safari trip the next morning.
Tues, Nov 17- We had to be up at 5 am. Safari guides picked us up after breakfast. The guides were Clive and Hoppy. It took approx 5 hours to drive to Krueger National Park. When we got in the park outside of Krueger (Molebetsi) we drove through the park until we got to the camp. An absolute awesome place. Every 2 people had a hut. I roomed with Dawn Carnill. It was a round hut with a thatched roof. We went for an evening drive (2 jeeps-tiered). Our guides name was Lucky. We went on trails in our jeep with no roof. It became very cool but they brought blankets and hot chocolate. We saw an elephant right by us. We saw him push a tree over and we could smell his musk because he was so close. We saw many animals, zebra, giraffe, wildebeest, water buffalo, jackal, wild cats, lots of impala, kudu, eland, bushback, waterbuck diuker, steerbok, warthogs, hippos, white rhinos, baboon. We had vervet monkeys at our camp in the trees. That evening we had an amazing dinner. It was outside around a campfire with a wall of reeds around us and candlelight. We had lamb Stew.
Wed. Nov 18- We woke at 5 am to see zebras and giraffe outside our window! Then we went to have a quick coffee and rusks (scones)and off to our safari. We just started our journey and we came across 3 lioness and 3 cubs at a kill of a zebra. We sat and watched for a couple of hours. It was incredible. We felt bad for the zebra but realized that it was just the circle of life. The 2 cubs were adorable and covered with blood. They were having a great time.
After seeing that we saw many more animals but that was the highlight. Then we went back to camp and had breakfast and showered and packed to leave.
We were off to Krueger National Park and then stayed that evening in another camp. We saw many, many animals!
Thurs, Nov 19 - Breakfast and off to the road for Johannesburg Airport. We boarded in the evening and flew through the night and arrived home safely Friday afternoon.
Wow! What an amazing trip! The Lord's splendor is amazing!

Monday, November 16, 2009


This will be my last post until Friday when I get home. We are heading off this morning to Oceanview Community for our last presentation. It is kind of bittersweet. The last couple of days my stomach has been upset. I ate something bad at dinner I suppose. Had to use Imodium and it did a number on me. Anyway, after this morning's message, we are heading up to see Table Mountain. I'm excited! And then later we fly to Johannesburg and get a motel room there. Our tour guides will pick us up in the morning and we will drive (about 5 hours) to Krueger National Park where we'll stay for 2 nights. And will be going on some safari rides!
Yesterday we went to church at King of Kings where the Pastor is from the Living Hope Foundation (Pastor John Thomas). And then we did some sight seeing. The scenery is absolutely incredible. The most beautiful place I have even seen. I feel so blessed to be here!
Hi to everyone at 920 On the Park! (co-workers and residents!)
Love to all family and friends.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Today we went to a community called Capricorn. Also very poverty stricken. 600 of these people were brought there after voting for a government person and promised homes and still are waiting after several years. They live in shacks. Most of them are unemployed. Many pregnant women.
The women came to our presentation (around 100). I had about 8 at my table. They all already knew the Lord. It was a nice time with them though. Our team sang for them and then there facilitators sang for us. They put us to shame! Beautiful voices! Beautiful and loving people. My heart just feels so much for them.

We just went for a walk down to the Fish Hoek Beach. The day is sunny but in the 60's. Always winding here. But at least the rain seems to have subsided.
Love to all.

Friday, November 13, 2009


Today was much different. We went to a community with extreme poverty called Red Hill. I was very affected by the sadness. Many tears were shed. It was shacks on top of each other. I lost it for a while until I realized that we were doing all that we could to help them. We ended up having our presentation outdoors with about 20 people- women, a few men and some children. Kelly couldn't do her usual presentation though because the man there said that women are not supposed to be the ministers. So we did it a little bit different. That is what is unique. Everyday is totally different then the day before. But each time we reach these hurting people some way. I feel so good about what we are doing.
Afterwords, we went to Simon Town to see the penguins. They were all over the beach. It was very cool. Then we stopped at a Craft Store where the HIV people make jewelry and the proceeds go to there cause. I bought a lot for Christmas presents.
We have been extremely busy but it's good because I don't have time to be homesick. We have a very good team. Everyone have gotten very close.
Love & miss you all!


Yesterday the internet was down so I'm update you now. Sorry, no pictures, but so many to use this one computer that I always have to hurry.
Yesterday we went to New Beginnings Woodstock Baptist Church. Claudia & Pastor Crawster run it and it is a job training, and they teach them to cook and correct hygiene and then have job placement for them and teach them about God. I had a table of 5 women. They were all Christian women except 2. One 19 year old accepted Christ as her Savior last year after a terrible car accident where she was the only survivor. The one lady was a Muslim and just kept telling me that she respected us but liked her religion. The young girl across from me said that she was not ready yet, but when she was leaving she asked if I would come to visit her again. I told her that if she accepted Christ as her Savior, I would see her in eternity and she just smiled. 5 women accepted the Lord that day!
After, we went to a real cool restaurant on the ocean. I had pesto Chicken and a yummy sticky pudding (toffee).

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Good Morning!

Thurs, Nov 12, 7:56 am:
Now that I am sleeping and getting regular again with all functions! :), I am feeling great! The Lord has brought me here to show me some amazing things. I know that I will be changed. I feel almost surreal! I know that I am definately here to do the Lord's work. We are off to devotional and then breakfast and off to a smaller community of women today.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Wed, Nov 10th

Today was incredible! We went to a village called Masipumilele. The women there spoke mostly Cosa. And here is the incredible part, my table of women was called the "old lady club"!! You all know how my heart is with seniors! I had a wonderful time with them. They made there necklaces better than I ever could. The Masipumilele are extremely poor. The village consists of literally shacks and buildings practically falling down. But Living Hope Ministeries has a church in the center where they minister to the people. And later, the children came and they have like a daycare there and the volunteers do bible songs and stories with them. The tears were streaming as went drove through this village. The children run around everywhere, dogs practically starving, a huge rape problem-the boys & men just help themselves and there is no one to protect the women & girls. I have never personally experiences such poverty. Some of the women at my table were from Zulu and they ate with there hands. I served them their dinners and sacrificed mine between them also. I eat too much anyway. My table of ladies already knew the Lord but I just gave them my love and tried to spoil them.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tues, Nov 10th

Today we went to Living Hope Ministries and did a presentation with the Support Group Facilitators who will be helping us with the rest of the week's ministries. The people here are so loving and appreciate everything. They are so thankful that we are here! They are so easy to love. Afterwards, we walked to God's Little Lighthouse. It is a place where a special lady takes kids in from the area who used to be left alone and have no where to go. It's a Day Care. The children were so sweet and also thankful that we were there. We brought them beany babies and candy and glow bracelets. They were so excited and we sang a song with them.
We just had some relaxation time (well needed). The food is not terrific here but I am grateful for the awesome splendor of God in the scenery.
We are walking to dinner soon.
Thank you all for the beautiful letters that were sent along with me. When I feel lonely or homesick, I read one.
Love you all.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Here At Last!

Arrived safely late Sunday night. Long, long, long flight! Did I say long?
Unpacked and tried to go to sleep. Hard time!
This morning got up early, breakfast, devotions and off to Living Hope (a Humanitary Outreach Mission). Unbelievable ministry that reaches people at all levels. Visited the hospital where aids patients reside. Heard how God is growing and blessing Living Hope ministries.
Then off touring to Cape Point (further South West point of continent of Africa. Wow! God's splendor was everywhere! Climbed up to the Lighthouse and saw where Indian and Atlantic Oceans come together. We saw baboons (mother & baby), Ostrich families, and others. The weather was perfect.
Tomorrow we will begin our ministries to 450 women over the next week. Stayed tuned for updates of God's blessings!
Miss you all!

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Just waiting until it's time to head to the church. Very, very excited! I was up at 6:00 am.
Here is my schedule:
We will be flying into Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C. (383 miles)
From there it is another 18 hours of flight. Yikes! It makes my back hurt just thinking about it. We fly into Johannesburg in Africa (8,128 miles), then fly on a smaller plane to Cape Town, S. Africa (789 miles). (Maybe I shouldn't have looked at the mileage!!!:)
We will be staying at Wellwood Lodge in Fish Hoek. (Where the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic Ocean meet). The lodge is very close to the beach.
Sunday we will get briefed and room assignments/unpack.
Monday: Devotions/Team Meeting, Depart for Living Hope (where we will be doing our support group ministries for 6 days. They will give us a tour and orientation. Then we will be off to Cape Point for some sightseeing and hiking. And back to the Lodge.
Tuesday: Devotions/Team Meeting, Depart for Praise and Worship at the Support Group Facilites where we'll do devotional time and teaching. We will to a craft & ministry, lunch, prayers.
Then we'll walk to God's Little Lighthouse for a ministry tour with the kids and finally walk back to the lodge.
Wed: Devotions/Team Meeting
Depart for Support Group Meetings (same as above). Depart for Simon's Town - Penquins, Sightsee, then back to lodge.
Thurs: Devotions/Team Meeting, Depart for Woodstock Baptist Church for Tour & Ministry, devotional time/Teaching, discussion time, activity & ministry. Return to lodge.
Friday: Devotions/Team Meeting, Depart for support group meeting, Same as above, go to Fish Hoek beach, Ocean View Kid's Club, back to lodge.
Sat: Devotions/Team Meeting, Support Group Meeting, Fish Hoek Beach, back to lodge.
Sun: Depart for Church: King of Kings, Worship Fellowship, Tea & Coffee, Go to visit Table Mountain, Free Time/Pack
Mon.: Devotions/Team Meeting, Support Group Meeting, same as above, Load up Vehicles, Depart for Belhar Baptist Church, then to Cape Town Airport to Johannesburg, claim luggage, go to hotel
Tues: Drive to Krueger National Park (game drives)
Wed: Krueger National Park (game drives)
Thurs: Game Drive, Depart for Johannesburg Airport and off to Dulles Airport in D.C.
Fri: Arrive back in Detroit

Friday, November 6, 2009


Just finished with the final packing! Yeah! With the church supplies and the stuff I'm bringing, I had to pack selectively. I think I did good though! Mom & Dad came over for a farewell dinner tonight. After dinner, we heard something and looked out the back window. There were fireworks going off in the west. I'm sure it was coming from Macy's. They shoot them off every year at this time for their anniversary. But, my Dad said, "That's quite a send-off you are getting!" That was very cool!
Now...for a good night's sleep so I can be at Woodside for our shuttle to the airport at 11:00 am prompt! :)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Almost Time to Go!

I feel so blessed to be heading off to South Africa this Saturday.
I am thrilled and waiting to see what God has in store for me!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Into the Wild" Going Away Party

Some of the Stephen Minister girls had a little "going away" dinner party for me tonight at the Alibi. It was great! They prayed for me, Gave me advice to take along, and gave me some awesome presents. I got a journal for my memories, a leopard bag filled with goodies, an adorable little purse, a silk eye mask for the plane, some angel coins for luck and a hat that is in the mail. Poor Denise was sick and stopped in only briefly. We love you Denise! Thank you sweet ladies for your love and support! Missed you Ashley and Diana!

Monday, November 2, 2009

7 DAYS!!!

Only 7 more days to go! Now I am starting to panic! I have so much to prepare and the weekend flew by! Totally trusting that the Lord is going to help me with my preparation for the sweet ladies in Africa that we will be ministering to.
Very excited! I know that a lot of you are praying for me and the team because I definately can feel it! And I thank you! Your spiritual and monetary support has been awesome!
Love you all!